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Tsunami Airwave Elite Surf Spinning Rod

Review Last Updated: February 2025
Nancy Perry
Product Review by Nancy Perry
Product Features
  • 9' feet 6' inches
  • 2 Piece Rod
  • Line weight 15-30lbs


Today we'll be reviewing the Tsunami Airwave Elite Surf Spinning Rod.

Our reviews are based on in-depth research and product analysis. Let's dive in!


  • Reputable brand
  • Ideal length
  • Collapsible for easy transportation


  • Collapsible break is 70/30, which is not to everyone's liking
  • The grip is thin for some

Tsunami Airwave Elite Surf Spinning Rod Product Review

This simple but quality rod by Tsunami is yet another example of the versatility of the brand.

It comes at a surf rod length of 9 feet, 6 inches, which is right in the slot for most fishermen. If you are average height and want powerful casting rods even in a long-distance, we highly recommended that this is the best surf rod for you.

This casting rod comes in two pieces, which we wouldn’t normally be thrilled about, just because it gives you less power. However, it is more convenient to transport this way. Aside from its test line feature, it also comes with a line weight ranging from 15 to 30 pounds and a lure weight of ¾ ounces to 3 ounces, which is less than most others on our list of best surf fishing rods but will be sufficient for the majority of fishermen.

One of the things that we don’t like about this rod is the diameter of the grip. Many anglers have stated that it feels off and a little bit thinner than they are used to. This is mostly a matter of preference, but you want to be comfortable holding it in your hand when you are fishing. For the money, this surf spinning rod is a pretty solid offering.

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