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Tailored Tackle Saltwater Surf Fishing Kit 82 Pc

Review Last Updated: February 2025
Nancy Perry
Product Review by Nancy Perry


Today we'll be reviewing the Tailored Tackle Saltwater Surf Fishing Kit 82 Pc.

Our reviews are based on in-depth research and product analysis. Let's dive in!


  • Lots of different baits and tackles
  • Excellent quality for a kit
  • Very useful guides if you're new to fishing


  • The weedless spoon is not the greatest quality
  • The box is a bit flimsy

Tailored Tackle Saltwater Surf Fishing Kit 82 Pc Product Review

The Tailored Tackle kit is all you need to start your journey into surf fishing with friends. It comes with all the basics for both beginners and experienced anglers.

The Tailored Tackle kit comes with a very convenient compartment box that you can use for all your saltwater bait and tackle needs. It leaves plenty of space for additional hooks, sinkers, and floaters in case you want to expand. But for now, let’s see what is included in the kit.

The kit falls into two categories – saltwater lures & gear and ocean fishing equipment. The saltwater supplies compartment consists of a spoon for Casting & Jigging, Surfcasting Popper Lure, 5 Grub Bait Lures, 5 Painted Jigs. Surf Fishing Rigs – 2 Bottom Rigs, 2 Jetty Rigs, 1 Pompano Rig for live & cut bait.

The beach fishing compartment consists of Bottom Bouncers, 4 Wire Leaders, 10 Circle Hooks, 5 J Hooks, 10 Wide Gap Hooks, 2 Floats, 5 Leader Sliders, 10 Beads, 5 Barrel Swivels, 5 Three Way Swivels, 5 Snaps.

Overall, the Tailored Tackle is ideal for both beginner and experienced surf fishing anglers. The compartment box is incredibly useful for storing fishing supplies and even live bait.

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