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Shimano IX R Spinning Reel

Review Last Updated: August 2024
Nancy Perry
Product Review by Nancy Perry


Today we'll be reviewing the Shimano IX R Spinning Reel.

Our reviews are based on in-depth research and product analysis. Let's dive in!


  • Very affordable
  • Made from lightweight carbon
  • Good for hiking and backpacking


  • Lower quality construction corresponds with the price

Shimano IX R Spinning Reel Product Review

Behold the Shimano IX R, a spinning reel that truly brings fishermen back to their roots. This humble spinning reel is one of the least expensive options available on the spinning reel market. It has its limitations, but for the price, you really can’t go wrong.

This extremely lightweight frame is surprisingly sturdy, but probably wouldn’t be best for heavy saltwater fishing trips. It can be a general use reel, but we would recommend using it for small to medium-sized fish in freshwater bodies.

One of the problems with spinning reels in this price range is that the spools tend to get debris stuck in them which heavily and negatively affects the quality of the retrieve and definitely shortens the life of your spinning reel. That doesn’t seem to be a concern with this reel though, despite the low price.

If you need a reel that’s compact and lightweight, at a good price with basic features to bring out on the water for your fishing trip, then you could do much worse than opt for the Shimano IX R.

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