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Shimano Sustain FI

Review Last Updated: February 2025
Nancy Perry
Product Review by Nancy Perry


Today we'll be reviewing the Shimano Sustain FI.

Our reviews are based on in-depth research and product analysis. Let's dive in!


  • Lightweight design
  • Cross Carbon Drag
  • Comfortable overall
  • Strong build quality
  • MGL Magnumlite rotor


  • Not the best for bottom-dwellers or deep sea fishing

Shimano Sustain FI Product Review

If you are impressed with the quality of Shimano products but want a reel that is affordable and suited for jigging, the Sustain FI model might be the best spinning reel for you.

While the Sustain FI carries all the accolades of Shimano, it has a more narrow use case than some other models of the line: jigging & topwater fish.

Regular users of the Sustain FI will tell you that this reel can be used on a wide range of fish, and fishing situations and they’d probably be right. Many turn to the Sustain FI reel when they need something light for catching topwater fish and jigging and we can see why, the Sustain FI comes in multiple sizes, with the different reels being able to accommodate a different amount of line.

As with other Shimano models, Sustain FI utilizes the latest technology that is easily visible throughout the whole reel, from the protective coating to the thoughtful construction of the reel.

Sustain FI has a strategically placed center of gravity, water-resistant coating, and silky smooth movement that promises a brilliant user experience.

In addition to being all of these things, the Sustain FI is a more affordable model than its brother, the Stella FJ. While Stella FJ attempts to be the premium spinning reel in a wide range of areas, the Sustain FI aims at a smaller target audience.

If you are a casual angler who wants to take a step up from the run-of-the-mill fishing reel without going overboard, you might enjoy the lightweight-but-robust Sustain FI model from Shimano.

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