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Best Underwater Fishing Camera

Last Updated: February 2025
Nancy Perry
Product Review by Nancy Perry

Who knew fishing could be made even more interesting? With an underwater fishing camera, you can clearly see the fish either nibbling the bait or swerving it.

Different cameras have different features, but the overall function is to be able to see the area underwater that you’re fishing in. You won’t regret adding a fishing camera to your arsenal – it really will enhance your angling experience.

Watching the action unfold underwater is so much more thrilling than watching the rod!

We are going to review the best underwater fishing camera and help you come to your decision in choosing the best one for you.

Our Reviews

Eyoyo Portable 7 Inch LCD Monitor Fish Finder

If you want an affordable camera that will film sea life underwater, then Eyoyo have you covered.

You’ll capture the fish really well with this camera – the definition of this up to HD 1000TV lines, which is noticeably clearer than the 800TV lines camera.

The camera is also equipped with 12pcs infrared LEDs, meaning you’ll see the fish a lot more clearly in darker, deeper waters. It’s important to note, however, that the image will turn to black and white if you open the infrared light.

Don’t worry about resurfacing to recharge this camera – it can work for up to 8 hours thanks to the long-lasting lithium battery. When it does run out of battery, simply charge it up using a standard USB.

You can view the sea life through a 7” color LCD monitor, with 800*480 pixels. There’s also a removable sun visor, which is ideal for brighter environments.

You’re not just buying a camera when you get this product – you also get a waterproof carrying case, which is small and portable, perfect for carrying with you anywhere you go.
This well-built camera can also be used for ice-fishing! It can withstand both warmer and colder climates, so you can view sea life in any weather with this waterproof fishing camera.


  • Budget friendly
  • Removable sun-visor
  • HD1000TVL


  • Doesn’t work too well in muddy conditions

Moocor Underwater Fishing Camera

Like a lot of other fishing cameras on the market, this product comes in two pieces: an underwater camera and the HD LCD monitor.

The quality of this camera is great. The 1000TVL camera will be sure to capture fish and underwater plants clearly and vividly.

Images of the underwater world will be brought to life with a great quality lens. Equipped with Far Infrared LED lights, you’ll even capture the fish in the dark depths or late evenings.

The 4.3” monitor allows you to view the sea life and observe the underwater topographic. You can clearly observe the fish biting the hooks or avoiding the hooks, which massively enhances your fishing experience.

If you know you’re going to be using it for a long period of time, then you have the power save mode option, which will reserve the battery for you. You’ll be reminded when the battery is running low, which means it won’t be unexpectedly shutting down.

The cable wire reaches up to 15m, which is super convenient for you to see clearly. The wire is completely waterproof, cold-resistant and anti-pressing, so you don’t need to stress about corrosion or anything like that.


  • Long and strong cable wire
  • Low power mode
  • 1000TVL camera
  • Travel case included


  • Doesn't focus too well
  • Battery life not as good as others on market

MarCum LX-9 Digital Sonar/Camera System

If you’re willing to fork out a few extra bucks for a premium sonar/camera system, then this may be the product for you.

Decades of advanced sonar technology have resulted in the production of this product – offering you a totally dynamic sonar/ underwater experience.

You can compare solar signals with live underwater video side by side, which provides a big-picture underwater analysis. You’ll see the fish taking the bait clear as day with this amazing camera and sonar system.

You won’t be stuck for options with this camera. There are many modes to choose from:

  • Black and white
  • Zoom
  • Color
  • Split screen
  • Focus

The interactive screen allows you to see the battery levels, the digital depth, the range, gain, interference rejection, and the target adjust. You can also see the temperature and the relative direction, which is super useful in the murky waters.

If you’re bored of watching the fish (unlikely, but anyway) you can play the interactive ice fishing game in sonar and live-action mode!

75 feet of cable is more than enough to view even the deepest of waters – just be mindful of the depth on the screen!

The 8-inch screen is the perfect size for viewing, as it’s both portable but noticeably bigger than a smartphone.


  • Sonar technology
  • Split screen
  • Adjustable settings
  • 75ft cable
  • Protective snow shield


  • Premium price
  • Battery life not the best

Lucky Underwater Fishing Camera

Whether you’re an amateur angler or professional fisherman, this underwater camera will give you great views and footage of sea life.

Four infrared lights are equipped on the camera, ensuring you get great images even in the darkest and deepest of conditions.

You’ll be able to see further than you would with many other cameras, as the long and strong wire can reach depths up to 65ft. Just bear in mind that the maximum bearing tension is 40kg (88lb). The high bearing tension allows you to fish for bigger fish than you’d be able to with other fishing cameras!

Corrosion won’t be an issue either, the cable is super durable and strong.

All TF cards are compatible with this device, so just enter any capacity ram card you want. If you don’t own a ram card, don’t worry! You’ll receive a free 16GB card with this product.

Not only does this product enable you to view life underwater, but you can take pictures and video record, and even browse through previous shots you’ve taken. Just press the ‘mode’ button, and keep pressing until the mode you want is enabled.

The pattern goes: Photography – File Browsing – Video Recording.


  • Perfect for ice fishing
  • Free 16GB ram card
  • Cable reaches up to 65ft
  • Mounts onto your fishing pole


  • Won’t know when it needs recharging
  • Battery life isn’t brilliant

Marcum Recon 5 Underwater Camera Viewing System

This pocket-sized underwater viewing system will allow you to observe the life of fish with great clarity.

This device will run for 6 hours before dying, so be mindful of charging the lithium battery before you travel with this camera. If you’re low on charge, you’ll be able to see the status of the battery on the screen.

The length of the camera cable is 50 feet, meaning you can drop it a huge distance to see the deepest of the deep.

You can adjust the display to your preference. If it’s too dark, then just turn up the brightness! If you’re only seeing outlines, then decrease the contract. You have control over how you see the deep.

For the darker waters, you can turn on the infrared lighting and the dark water LED for better images.

The screen itself is perfectly pocket-sized – about the size of a smartphone, the screen measures 5 inches.

Included in your purchase is:

  • Soft pack and camera sack
  • 110V USB charger and cable


  • Battery status on display
  • 50-foot camera cable
  • Can adjust the display settings


  • Best to use with a flasher

What Do I Look For In the Best Underwater Fishing Camera?

There are many differences between all underwater fishing cameras, and there are lots of things that you need to consider before making a purchase.

Keep reading for some tips and information on what to look for in an underwater fishing camera.


The display is super important when it comes to fishing cameras – without the display, you won’t be able to see the fish going for the bait live.

You may want to be able to see the battery life on the display, or the time, depth, or temperature. It usually costs extra for this kind of user interface, but it’s worth checking if your product offers this before purchasing.


Display monitors for underwater fishing can come to any size from 3” to 10”, give or take a few. The size of a smartphone is a good comparison point – 5” will give you a great viewing experience.

The smaller the display, the more portable it is – but you might prefer a larger display for clearer viewing.


Most fishing cameras offer both color lens and color display, but if you’re wanting to see the colors underwater, ensure that your camera has this facility.

You may also want a camera that has a black and white option or gives you the option to enhance contrast and edit the pictures for the perfect viewing experience.

Screen Resolution

If you know you’re going to be fishing in darker or murky waters, then you’ll want a camera with a higher resolution. Lower resolution means that the images will come out blurry, which isn’t what any angler wants.

Resolution is measured in pixels, so bear this in mind and be sure to check the pixels before purchasing. For deeper waters, maybe consider getting a camera equipped with LED lights – it will enhance your vision and enable you to see the fish a lot clearer.


Nobody wants to fork out $100 for a product that will break in the water. The best underwater fishing camera will be super durable, and won’t shatter from a short-distance drop.

You want a camera that is resistant to cold, pressure, and pulling. It should be made of strong materials because as expected with underwater fishing, it’s going to take a few bumps.

If you’re planning on using this for ice fishing, a durable camera is super important. It needs to withstand extreme cold – so bear this in mind before purchasing an underwater fishing camera.


Nobody wants a camera that will die before you’re finished using it. Most underwater fishing cameras will have a battery life of around 5-6 hours.

The cheaper ones will most likely have a lower battery life – you usually have to pay a little extra for a longer battery. Most cameras will come with a rechargeable lithium battery, which is usually long-lasting.

You may also want to see or be reminded when the battery is running low, which means it won’t run out on you unexpectedly- you’ll know when it needs a charge.


The cable needs to be super durable if it’s going underwater as if the external casing punctures or corrodes, it’s going to break the technology inside.

The length of the cable can also affect your fishing experience. If the cable only reaches a few feet, you won’t be able to see the fish lurker in lower depths.

Most underwater fishing camera cables tend to reach around 50ft, which is a brilliant length for capturing fish residing in deeper waters.


Underwater fishing cameras won’t just enhance your fishing experience – they’ll completely change it for the better.

Our top pick has to be the Moocor Underwater Fishing Camera. This camera really has it all while being moderately priced!

Equipped with Far Infrared LED Lights, you’re sure to see the fish clearly in any brightness or depth.

The portable high-resolution LCD fish monitor is also equipped with a sun visor, and a highlight LED backlight which means the sun’s rays won’t be interfering with your vision at all.

You’ll also be reminded when the battery is running low, which is super convenient and means that it won’t unexpectedly lose battery on you while being 10ft underwater.

This really is the best underwater fishing camera out there for that price and will change the way you fish forever.

Do you have a favorite fishing camera? Let us know in our comments, and don’t forget to share this with your fellow anglers!

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